On Site Flu Shot Clinic Information

What is a flu clinic?
If you’ve never hosted an on-site flu shot clinic, you may want to gain a better understanding of what’s involved. Below is a list of topics in alphabetic order that might be helpful. We can personally address any questions that apply to your particular situation. Click on a topic for information.
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Consent and ID Dates of Clinic Employer Oversight Free Quote
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Insurance Billing
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Launching Your Clinic
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Length of Clinic
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Motivating Employees to Attend Your Clinic
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Multiple Locations at Once
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Online Scheduling
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Other Ways to Participate
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Payment Terms
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Planning Your On-Site Flu Shot Clinic
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Reserve Your Clinic in Advance
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Reserving Vaccines
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Special Needs
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Thimerosal-Free Vaccines
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Time Away from Work for Vaccine
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Times of Clinic
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Vaccination Acquisition & Administration
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Vaccination Protocol & Oversight
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Vaccination Vouchers for Off-Site Employees
Allergies & Other Health Considerations
The CDC advises that people over 6 months of age can get the flu vaccination. However, it is important for pregnant women and people with other health issues or concerns to consult with their physicians in advance and reserve any type of special flu vaccine they may need. (e.g. Thimerosal-free, no multi dose, etc.) Please alert us if you have special considerations. If an employee’s physician advises against receiving the flu vaccination, they should not participate in the program. We will not administer vaccine to people who are allergic to eggs or with a history of Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome (GBS). We suggest these employees consult their physicians.
Clinic Dates and Times
Midland Health is extremely flexible and makes every effort to provide on site flu shot clinics based on your needs. You set the dates and times. We accommodate you. If you run multiple shifts and weekends, we can help. Specific dates and times are agreed upon and included in the contract.
Clinic Description
Midland Health has been conducting on-site flu shot clinics for over a decade and has established efficient, effective processes and procedures that have resulted in very successful clinics. Click here to see the process overview.
Clinic Protocol
An experienced, licensed clinician will bring the vaccines and supplies to the location on the day of the event, and will administer the vaccinations to employees. Your staff will not be expected to handle vaccine. Walk-ins will also be able to participate and will be fit in between scheduled appointments.
The number of clinicians on site will be determined by your contract. Each clinician administers an average of 25 shots per hour. (People arriving late for their appointments and walk-ins can influence the number of vaccinations administered per hour.)
If appointments are not scheduled, and/or if walk-ins are permitted, for each available clinician, ideally 5-7 people should arrive for their shots in 15-minute increments.
One employee, who is designated by the employer as the event assistant, is typically present. The event assistant remains on site throughout the program and manages registration and check-in.
Consent and ID
Employees should bring a photo ID (their work ID, driver’s license – anything that contains their name and a photo), as the clinician may verify their identity prior to administering the shot. A consent form must be completed and provided to the clinician prior to receiving the shot. They may complete this form when they schedule their appointment online, or they may complete a form in writing when they get their flu shot. A Medicare card is required when applicable.
Employer Oversight
Usually an employer has one employee assistant on site or readily available in case our clinicians have questions or need additional information during the clinic. If administrative staff is required, Midland Health can provide someone for registration.
Free Quote
The first step is to contact Midland Health for a free quote. Contact Us for a Free Quote. We’ll provide a customized quote based on the projected number of vaccinations and the specific needs of your company. We offer volume discounts to larger companies and flat rates to companies with lesser volumes. More information regarding how we establish prices appears below.
Insurance Billing
Midland Health is Medicare approved. We bill through insurance providers if your insurer approves roster billing. Otherwise, we bill the employer direct.
Launching Your Clinic
An experienced clinic planner from Midland Health will contact your company and work with the employee who is designated by the employer as the event coordinator. Together you determine where the on site clinic will take place, the date, start and end times. You’ll also discuss employee event assistants and their responsibilities. More information appears below. We’ve found that announcing the on site flu shot clinic to managers and employees in advance, followed by reminders, results in the highest level of participation. This gives managers a heads up and allows employees time to schedule their appointments in advance around work priorities.
Length of Clinic
The length of the clinic will be established based on the number of vaccines reserved and number of clinicians assigned per your contract. Approximately 20-30 flu vaccinations are administered per hour, per clinician. Therefore, if 100 vaccines are administered and one clinician is on site, the clinic will last for 3.5-5 hours. We’ll work with you to meet your needs.
Motivating Employees to Attend Your Clinic
We’ll provide a customized Employee Onboarding Tool Kit to help you motivate your employees to attend your clinic. It includes a promotion schedule and materials. You’ll use them to announce the on-site flu shot clinic, encourage participation, and remind employees to register in advance. Click here for more information.
Multiple Locations at Once
Midland Health provides on-site flu shot clinics across the nation. We can provide on site flu shot clinics at different locations based on your specific needs. One experienced clinic planner will orchestrate your customized multi-location clinics with your event coordinator based on the terms of your contract.
Number of Vaccines to Reserve
Midland Health accommodates large and small on site clinics, and everything in between. Volume discounts are provided, and flat rates are available for smaller quantities. The minimum number of vaccinations for a single site is 30. However, for clients with a large total volume of vaccinations and multiple locations, Midland Health will accommodate sites with fewer than 30.
Online Scheduling
Midland Health provides a proprietary, secure, online scheduling tool, free to all participants, that allows your employees to select specific appointment times in advance. Click here to see a demonstration of the scheduling tool.
When using this scheduling tool, the participant may elect to print a Vaccine Information Sheet and a consent form that they may complete and bring with them on the day of the clinic. Blank forms and copies of the Vaccine Information Sheet will also be available for them upon arriving at the clinic.
Scheduling an appointment online is a convenient option, but is NOT required to participate in the flu shot clinic. Scheduling an appointment in advance is optional.
Employer event coordinators will be able to monitor your company’s online scheduling tool to determine participation levels and increase internal marketing as appropriate. Midland Health will also monitor the online scheduling tool and will let you know in advance if appointments exceed the contracted total. We’ll work with you to expand the contracted time if volume is higher than projected.
Other Ways to Participate
We have found that the online scheduling tool is the most efficient and cost effective manner to organize on-site flu shot clinics. However, if employees do not have online access, the employer event coordinator may receive requests from employees in any other form they deem appropriate and schedule employees using the online scheduling tool on their behalf. Another option is to schedule departments for specific dates and times, and those employees interested in participating would go to the on site clinic at the appropriate time. And, companies may also allow employees to attend the clinic at any time the clinic is on site.
You decide who’ll participate in your flu clinic. Companies may offer the clinic to whomever they choose. Typically our clients require participants to be ages 18 and older. Some companies limit participation to employees, while other companies include spouses, dependents, guests an employee brings, contract employees, part time and/or seasonal employees, and retirees. Some companies partner with other businesses with whom they share office space so they can increase the total number of vaccines and qualify for a greater volume discount. Just let us know what approach you’d like to take.
Payment Terms
Typically, to reserve an on-site flu clinic, Midland Health requires a 50% down payment based on the projected number of vaccinations and invoices the remainder upon completion of the clinic. We will accommodate special circumstances.
Planning Your On-Site Flu Shot Clinic
Flu shot clinics may be reserved up to a year in advance. Reserving your on-site flu shot clinic as early in the season as possible is ideal. However, your clinic can take place any time during the flu season that works best for you. Midland Health will do everything possible to accommodate your schedule.
Pricing for Flu Shot Clinics
The price of the flu shot clinic is typically represented by a “per shot” price times the number of anticipated participants. This “per shot” price consists of the cost of the vaccine plus several other expenses, responsibilities and liabilities Midland Health assumes to conduct on site flu shot clinics. Click here to understand what is factored into our pricing.
Reserve Your Clinic in Advance
Reserving your on-site flu shot clinic in advance gives you the opportunity to select the dates and times you want.
Special Needs
If you require an administrator or clinician to speak a language in addition to English, please let us know when you reserve your clinic.
Thimerosal-Free Vaccines
We offer flu vaccinations that contain Thimerosal and that are Thimerosal-free. If Thimerosal-free vaccinations are needed, they are typically reserved when the contract is signed. Employees who reserve a Thimerosal-free vaccine must identify themselves the day of the clinic and make sure they specifically request it prior to administration.
Time Away from Work for Vaccine
If an employee’s vaccine was scheduled online, once they arrive at the on site location, it should take them no more than a few minutes to check in, get their immunization and wait in the area briefly (or asked not to leave the building) to ensure they don’t have a reaction to the shot.
Times of Clinic
Midland Health is extremely flexible and makes every effort to provide on site flu shot clinics based on your needs. You set the dates and times. We accommodate you. If you run multiple shifts and weekends, we can help. Specific dates and times are agreed upon and included in the contract.
Vaccination Acquisition & Administration
Midland Health obtains the flu vaccinations from FDA approved national distributors. We ensure the vaccinations are properly stored, shipped and delivered to the on-site location by the clinician(s) that will be administering the shots.
Vaccination Protocol & Oversight
Experienced, licensed clinicians administer vaccinations based on local regulations and follow strict Midland Health processes and procedures. The clinicians include Registered Nurses (RNs), Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Medical Doctors (MDs).
Vaccination Vouchers for Off-Site Employees
For clients participating in our on-site flu shot program, Midland Health supplies you with vaccination vouchers you can distribute to off-site employees to go to a local pharmacy to receive their flu shot. Just let us know how many vaccination vouchers you’ll need. Pricing for vaccination vouchers is different than pricing for vaccinations given on site, and will be outlined in your customized quote.
Midland Health also offers a vaccination voucher program for companies who want to help their employees get vaccinated but aren’t able to host an on-site flu shot clinic. Contact us to find out more about our vaccination voucher program.