Schedule Your On-Site Employee Flu Shot Clinic for the 2021 – 2022 Flu Season Info / Quote

FDA Approved 10-Minute Covid-19 Rapid Test - by appointment (800) 898-8211 Ext. 0

Covid 19 PCR Testing - CLIA Certified Lab Results in 24 Hours Learn More

Request a FREE quote to setup a Flu Shot Clinic at your office and protect your employees!

Flu Shot Quiz

Flu Shot Quiz

Are You Flu Savvy?

Think the flu isn’t something you or your employees need to worry about?

Think you know all there is to know about the flu?

Take our 2-minute quiz & find out!


Flu Shot Quiz

What percent of people typically contract the flu in the U.S.?

A typical employee takes how many days off when they contract the flu?

The CDC recommends that the following people get a flu shot every year:

The flu season runs from:

People who are healthy and in shape don’t need to get the flu vaccine.