Schedule Your On-Site Employee Flu Shot Clinic for the 2021 – 2022 Flu Season Info / Quote

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10 Tips for a Successful Outdoor Flu Clinic

10 Tips for a Successful Outdoor Flu Clinic

Flu season is fast approaching. Health experts have warned that the combination of COVID-19 and flu season could create another national health emergency. It is more important than ever for workplaces to encourage employees to get the flu shot.

Companies are looking for safe and innovative ways to offer on-site wellness services. This year, a trend is emerging towards outdoor flu clinics. Companies are entertaining the idea of an outdoor, stationary clinic or drive-through style. This alternative to the traditional indoor clinic employs safer social distancing in an open-air space.

Employees who are working from home may feel uncomfortable coming into the office for a flu shot. The outdoor and drive-through options ensure all employees have the opportunity to get their flu shot through the workplace. Hosting an outdoor clinic is a novel approach to ensuring all your employees are protected against this year’s influenza virus.

Here are 10 tips to ensure a successful outdoor flu clinic:

  • Plan ahead. Experts warn that while we wait for a vaccine against COVID-19, the demand for flu shots will be much higher than normal this year. Book your provider early and plan your event well ahead of the start of flu season.
  • Inform your employees. Whether your employees are working in the office or from home, ensure they are aware that you will be offering a flu shot clinic this year. This will reassure your employees that they will be protected and reminds them that their wellbeing is your company’s priority.
  • Determine responsibilities. Speak to your flu shot provider about your responsibilities for an on-site clinic. For example, do you provide disposal containers for things like waste paper and rubber gloves? Are you responsible for obtaining waivers from your employees ahead of time? Once you have set a date, discuss your responsibilities well ahead of the clinic date.
  • Set up a designated area. You may choose to host your clinic in an outdoor parking area or on your company’s green space. If you choose to do a drive-through style clinic, you will need to set up designated lanes through which employees can drive up to get the shot. A practice run is recommended, to ensure cars have the space they need.
  • Obtain consent. Check with your building management to see whether any permits are required to host a flu clinic outside. Also inform any neighboring businesses who share the parking or green space that you will be conducting an outdoor clinic, as a courtesy.
  • Administrative duties. Ensure that you have proper signage for the day of the event, cones for the parking lot, a designated registration table, disposal containers, pens, disinfecting wipes, etc. Creating a checklist for administrative duties ahead of time helps to ensure all your bases are covered.
  • Plan for the weather. If you have a walk-up style flu clinic, set up an awning over the designated vaccination area. Remember to tie everything down and have paper weights at the ready, in case it’s a windy day. It is a good idea to have a rain date scheduled, should the weather determine you have to cancel your clinic. If you choose to have a drive-through style clinic, these considerations may not apply.
  • Set a schedule. Whether your employees will walk up to a registration and vaccination table or drive-through to get their shot, ensure you have enough time between appointments to keep the flow continuous.
  • Sanitation and safety. Remember to have wipes on hand in order to clean pens used for registration forms and vaccine records. Ensure all employees are wearing masks for their appointments. Have hand sanitizer accessible for every employee. And maintain social distancing at all times between employees, even though you are outdoors.
  • Use incentives. While you shouldn’t bribe your employees to get the flu shot, there is no harm in rewarding those who choose to attend your company clinic. Handing out something as simple as a small hand sanitizer or a reusable water bottle is a nice way to say thanks to your employees for making the responsible choice to get the flu shot. If you have pens with a company logo, use those as giveaways and no sanitation of pens at the clinic is required!

Remember that by hosting a flu shot clinic outdoors, you are maximizing social distancing for your event and also keeping your indoor space open for employees who are working there.

Click here to request your free quote for an on-site flu shot clinic in your workplace.