Schedule Your On-Site Employee Flu Shot Clinic for the 2021 – 2022 Flu Season Info / Quote

FDA Approved 10-Minute Covid-19 Rapid Test - by appointment (800) 898-8211 Ext. 0

Covid 19 PCR Testing - CLIA Certified Lab Results in 24 Hours Learn More

Request a FREE quote to setup a Flu Shot Clinic at your office and protect your employees!

Flu Season in the Time of COVID-19

Flu Season in the Time of COVID-19

As flu season dawns upon us, health experts warn that the merger of influenza and the coronavirus could create an even greater national health disaster. If Americans don’t soon follow expert guidelines to help slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, the 2020-2021 flu season has the potential to start a public health catastrophe like nothing before. Experts are reminding all Americans about the importance of getting a flu shot this fall.

Influenza is the eighth leading cause of death in the United States. The CDC estimates that the 2019-2020 flu season led to tens of millions of cases of the flu and tens of thousands of related deaths. That was before the current pandemic got involved.

The annual flu season pushes hospital resources to the limit. This year, more than ever, Americans need to do all they can to prevent influenza and lessen the stress on the healthcare system caused by the coronavirus.

What You Can Do Now

  • Wear a mask, limit gatherings, wash your hands often and maintain social distancing. The policies put in place to help limit the spread of COVID-19 can also help to minimize the transmission of influenza. The WHO reports that cases of influenza are at lower levels than normal for this time of year. They credit hand washing, masks and social distancing for the decline in flu cases.
  • Get the flu shot. Experts warn that while we wait for a vaccine against COVID-19, the demand for flu shots will be higher than previous years. Get the shot and get it early. Do not wait for the first outbreak to get vaccinated.
  • Book your on-site workplace flu shot clinic today. Protect yourself and your company. Keep your company productive during flu season.

When to Get the Flu Shot

As a corporate wellness provider, you need to start the conversation about flu vaccines now. With so much distraction this summer, many employees may not have even thought about flu season yet. Communicate information about your flu shot clinics early and schedule yours as soon as possible. With the demand for the flu vaccine estimated to be higher than ever, you want to make sure your company is not left out of the picture this year.

Influenza activity typically begins mid-October, so it is important to be vaccinated at least two weeks ahead of the predicted start of the season. But remember that if you vaccinate after the start of the season, it is never too late to be protected for the remainder of the flu season.

You want to protect your employees and prevent them from getting sick. Send out a communication about the upcoming flu season and remind your staff that your company offers workplace flu shots.  This will help set their minds at ease and remind them that their wellbeing is your priority.

Remind Your Employees

  • Getting the vaccine is the most proven-effective way to prevent the flu.
  • You only need the shot once to be protected for the entire 2020-2021 flu season.
  • The vaccine protects you as well as your family, coworkers and those in your social bubble.
  • Health insurance covers the flu shot.
  • Combat myths about the flu shot, such as the flu shot gives you the flu or the shot is not safe because it’s always changing. Some people are misinformed about the influenza vaccine. Both of these myths are completely untrue.
  • Being protected against the flu keeps you working and keeps your company productive.
  • Should you get the flu, the shot significantly lessens the severity of the virus.

Be Proactive

As an employer, a Corporate Wellness Program that includes an on-site flu shot clinic has never been more important for your company. Health and wellbeing are at the forefront of America’s collective mind right now. 

Click here to request your free quote for an on-site flu shot clinic in your workplace.

Midland Health has created programs to meet the highest demands and requests in Corporate Wellness. We are now taking infrared temperatures of employees before starting their shift and are also providing several forms of Covid-19 testing with results in 48 - 72 hours. Please ask for Jo at 414-378-2436 or click here for details.