Schedule Your On-Site Employee Flu Shot Clinic for the 2021 – 2022 Flu Season Info / Quote

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Covid 19 PCR Testing - CLIA Certified Lab Results in 24 Hours Learn More

Request a FREE quote to setup a Flu Shot Clinic at your office and protect your employees!

Flu Shot Clinics Made Easy

Flu Shots For You

We Handle the Details

You’re busy. No worries. Count on us to customize a flexible, affordable on-site flu shot clinic that meets your needs. We’ve provided clinics for hundreds of employers over the last decade and have the logistics, processes and resources in place to ensure your success. We're also nationally approved for Medicare, and we offer on-site flu shot services to senior living and intermediate care facilities. Click here for a free quote.


Online Scheduling

Online Scheduling Tool

Our online scheduling helps ensure that we minimize interruptions to productivity. See how easy it will be for your employees to make an appointment. Click here to see a ten-second video.

Save money on flu shot services

Competitive Pricing

We know your bottom line is important. That’s why Midland Health offers volume discounts. And, we’re Medicare approved for vaccinations. Just click here to request a free quote.


Multiple Shifts & Locations

Multiple sites? Multiple shifts? No Problem!

Many of our clients require us to be at different sites during the day and in the evening. We have the nation-wide and local resources to cover your specific needs.


Reliable and Safe

Reliable and Safe

With over a decade of experience, Midland Health provides highly trained RNs, NPs and MDs to administer flu vaccinations. We abide by all government safety standards. Even during the H1N1 crisis, we secured and delivered vaccinations for all of our on-site clinics, as promised.


Free Promotional Materials

Free Promotion Materials

Getting employees to participate is a snap when you use our customized Employee Onboarding Tool Kit. It includes materials that can be customized for your use to announce and promote your on-site flu shot clinic using various devices. Click here to understand what material will be provided.


Are you flu savvy?

Are You Flu Savvy?

Think the flu isn’t something you or your employees need to worry about? Think you know all there is to know about the flu? Take our 2-minute quiz & find out.


Calculate your ROI

Productivity & Cost Impact Calculator

How much do you think the annual flu costs your company in terms of lost productivity, the cost of temporary help, paid sick time, etc. How do these losses and costs stack up against the cost of hosting an on-site flu shot clinic? Click here to use our calculator.


Benefits for your business

Benefits for Your Business

Whether your business is large or small, an on-site flu shot clinic is a free, convenient benefit you can offer your employees. It’s a win/win – your employees prevent the flu from spreading and you reduce the risk of a flu epidemic at your business. You’ll also be taking an active role in employee wellness. Click here to find out more.


Benefits for Your Employees

Benefits for Your Employees

Hosting a free on-site flu shot clinic for employees makes it convenient for them to get their annual flu shot – the #1 flu prevention strategy recommended by the CDC. It also helps protect them, their loved ones and co-workers from getting the flu. Click here to find out more about the flu.


Flu Facts for 2021 and 2022 Flu Season

Flu Facts for 2021 & 2022

Is the flu really that serious? Find out what you and your employees should know about the current flu season.


On-Site FLu Clinic Info

On-Site Flu Shot Clinic Info

Whether you’ve hosted on-site clinics in the past or are considering your first clinic, Midland Health provides world-class customer service. Your priorities are our priorities. We are professional and flexible, and customize your flu shot clinic to meet your unique needs. Click here for information regarding our On-Site Flu Shot Clinics.


Our Process

Sometimes our clients want to understand who is responsible for what before making a commitment to host an on-site flu shot clinic. Midland Health has been helping businesses host flu shot clinics for over a decade. We’ve streamlined our process and workflow to minimize the amount of time and resources you invest in this effort. Click here to gain a better understanding of our process.


Save money on flu shot services

What’s included in that price?

The price of a flu shot clinic is typically represented by a “per shot” price times the number of anticipated participants. This “per shot” price consists of the cost of the vaccine plus several other expenses, responsibilities and liabilities Midland Health assumes to conduct on-site flu shot clinics. If you’d like to understand what we include in our pricing, click here for details.



Partner With Us

If you represent a hospital system, health insurance company, brokerage agency, large corporation with multiple locations and manage your own wellness program, or if you are a wellness provider who wants to expand nationally, consider joining Midland’s Partner Program. It’s an affordable, easy way to quickly add individual services to your program or to offload responsibility for existing services that you want to continue but no longer want to manage. Click here for more information.


Vaccination Vouchers

Clients who host on-site flu shot clinics with Midland Health may also take advantage of our voucher service. This service enables your off-site employees to receive vouchers they can use at convenient locations, such as local pharmacies and retail stores.


Who We Are

Who We Are

Midland Health is one of the nation’s leading on-site flu vaccination providers. With over a decade of experience, we’ve given tens of thousands of vaccinations every year. We’d welcome the opportunity to work with you. Click here to find out more about us.


Jo Steinberg


Midland Health is a woman-owned business and is proud to be certified by the WBENC and Department of Transportation DBE. Click here to find out more about our certifications.